Author: Andreas KostenbergerPublisher: Baker AcademicIn this updated edition of his successful textbook, leading evangelical New Testament scholar Andreas Köstenberger offers a survey of John's gospel that is informed by current scholarship but written at an accessible level. The book has been revised throughout and features a new interior design. Photos, sidebars, and other pedagogical aids are included.
To the Student
Before You Begin . . .
Part 1: Encountering the Gospel of John: Come On In!
1. History: How John's Gospel Came to Be
2. Literature: Mapping John's Story
3. Theology: John's Major Themes
Part 2: Encountering the Word (John 1:1-18)
4. The Incarnation of the Word (1:1-18)
Part 3: Encountering the Earthly Jesus: The Mission to the Jews (Including Seven Signs) (John 1:19-12:50)
5. Jesus's Early Ministry (Part 1): Signs 1-2 (1:19-2:25)
6. Jesus's Early Ministry (Part 2): Sign 3 (3:1-4:54)
7. Escalating Conflict (Part 1): Signs 4-5 (5:1-6:71)
8. Escalating Conflict (Part 2) (7:1-8:59)
9. Escalating Conflict (Part 3): Sign 6 (9:1-10:42)
10. Escalating Conflict (Part 4): Sign 7 (11:1-12:50)
Part 4: Encountering the Exalted Jesus: The Mission to the World (John 13-20)
11. Jesus's Farewell (Part 1) (Chap. 13)
12. Jesus's Farewell (Part 2) (Chaps. 14-16)
13. Jesus's Farewell (Part 3): Jesus's Parting Prayer (Chap. 17)
14. Jesus's Passion, Resurrection, and Commissioning of His Followers (Chaps. 18-20)
Part 5: Encountering the One Who Calls Us to Follow (John 21)
15. What It Means to Follow Jesus (Chap. 21)
16. Epilogue: John in the Context of Scripture
Appendix 1: The History of the Interpretation of John's Gospel
Appendix 2: John's Gospel and the Study of the Historical Jesus
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