Full Pardon

When Billy McFetridge was discharged from the British Army, the Ulster Defence Association knew they needed his skills as a soldier. Soon Billy was l...
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Author: Billy Mcfetridge
Publisher: MD Publishing
When Billy McFetridge was discharged from the British Army, the Ulster Defence Association knew they needed his skills as a soldier. Soon Billy was leading raids on clubs and shops, raising money for weapons. Arrested on manslaughter charges he spent seven years in the Maze Prison. Under the direction of a prison chaplain Billy started to study the Bible. One night God spoke to him. For the first time ever, my prayers became two-way communications with God . Slowly the rebuilding of Billy McFetridge was underway. As you read this book, you will face a life which had sunk to the depths of sin and crime, which tried to justify the vile deeds under the cloak of a para-military organisation. But God through his grace saw the tremendous possibilities in the life of Billy McFetridge. I have sat under his ministry at bible classes in Strangeways Prison, and witnessed his love for these men, who are in prisons inside their own personalities. Canon Noel Proctor, MBE MA. Previously chaplain at Wandsworth, Eastchurch.
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Availability Out of stock. Availability uncertain. Call for details.
Publisher MD Publishing
Author Billy Mcfetridge
Binding Paperback
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