Joy In The Desert - 50 Years Of Gospel Blessing In Botswana

Joy In The Desert is a record of what God has done in Botswana over the past 50 years through a small band of devoted Christian workers. It is by no m...
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Author: Clark Logan
Publisher: John Ritchie LTD
Joy In The Desert is a record of what God has done in Botswana over the past 50 years through a small band of devoted Christian workers. It is by no means a complete record - a great deal more will be revealed and rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Those who responded to the Lord's call to serve Him in Botswana left the comforts of home and the security of successful careers. With no guaranteed salary, and no sponsoring body supporting them, they went in faith, trusting God to meet their every need. He never once let them down! Their object in going was to preach and teach the message of the Bible, and to establish local churches according to the principles outlined in the New Testament. They did this, and for over 50 years God has richly blessed their service. It must be acknowledged that, in doing so, they have also significantly contributed to the material and medical welfare of many among whom they worked, all now ‘free of charge'. They have sought to show out, as well as tell out, the love of Christ. 

This record of their work is fi rmly set within the context of life in Botswana. You will learn of the country's topography, its history, its culture and customs, and how these all combine to impact the servants' work. You will be introduced to some of their friends, and learn how God has transformed lives by His grace. Furthermore, you will be challenged and humbled as you read of the devotion of these few servants of God as they have faithfully served their Master and the people to whom He has sent them, often in trying circumstances. Lastly, your heart and voice will rise in praise of “him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3.20).

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Availability Less than 5 in stock.
Publisher John Ritchie LTD
Author Clark Logan
Binding Paperback
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