The Belfast Boy in Brazil: Bill Woods

Bill Woods was the most humble person I ever met. Being a white man in remote Brazil in the early 1960s, the local people presumed he must be a doctor...
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Author: Bill Woods
Publisher: Biblical Books
Bill Woods was the most humble person I ever met. Being a white man in remote Brazil in the early 1960s, the local people presumed he must be a doctor. When the very sick approached him for help, he told them that, as a Christian Missionary, he would pray for them. He did; but too many of them died.

This troubled Bill. He knew he had to do something - and he did! He studied medicine, training in Brazil. That decision would have a profound effect in his adopted homeland.

Bill remained a Missionary Doctor, all his life, helping eradicate leprosy in Brazil. When he died, Lula Da Silva, the country's president, paid tribute. Bill would be embarrassed that any fuss is being made about him.

He may not have changed the world - but he changed the world for those people whose lives he touched.

Paul Clark, Television with UTV.

Converted to Christ on 20 July 1952 in Ravenhill Free Presbyterian Church under the ministry of Rev. Ian Paisley, Bill Woods became part of a thriving youth fellowship in that church, out of which proceeded an extraordinary number of missionaries who carried the Gospel to many parts of the world.

Bill's personal desire to become one of those missionaries was driven by a number of factors, not least of which was Mollie Harvey's use of an oil lamp to emphasise how one small light can make a huge difference when everything around it is so dark.

Bill determined to be that small lamp and "burn out for God" in the Amazonian rain forests of Brazil. We in his home church of Martyrs Memorial FPC are thrilled that he succeeded so spectacularly - although this model servant of Christ forever protested that no plaudits should be conferred on him, but all praise given to God.

Dr. Ian Brown, Bill's minister at Martyrs FPC.
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Availability Less than 40 in stock.
Publisher Biblical Books
Author Bill Woods
Binding Paperback
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