Wrong Messiah

He came from the wrong social class, the wrong place and the wrong profession. He ate with the wrong people, championed the wrong causes and attracted...
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Author: Nick Page
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
He came from the wrong social class, the wrong place and the wrong profession. He ate with the wrong people, championed the wrong causes and attracted the wrong kind of supporters. He even spoke with the wrong accent. In fact everything about Jesus of Nazareth was wrong. How could this odd-job man be God`s Messiah?

To the authorities he was a dangerous rebel; to the pious he was scandalously unorthodox. Even his family thought he was mad. But somehow this builder from `up north` – this outrageous, unorthodox, rebellious teacher and miracle worker – changed the world.

In this illuminating new biography, Nick Page strips away centuries of misrepresentation and myth to reveal the real personality portrayed in the gospels. Drawing on a wealth of historical and archaeological research, the result is a startling and vivid new portrait of Yeshua ben Yosef – Jesus of Nazareth.

Challenging and thought-provoking, THE WRONG MESSIAH will change the way you view Jesus: the man who in so many ways seemed utterly wrong, but who history has proved triumphantly to be right.
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Availability Out of stock. More coming soon. Back orders usually dispatched in 2-3 weeks.
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton
Author Nick Page
Binding Paperback
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